Painting from a Red Madonna Journey
What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on wood
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
Shekhinah who dwells within all creation
Red threads illuminating cosmic tapestry of holy presence
You who are Sukkah of Shalom, haven for my heart, Shabbat for my soul,
Space for community and love and joy to dance and glow,
Great Sea for sephirotic rivers, Temple for my inner ner tamid to burn
I pray with every cell of my being, L’shem yichud kudsha b'rich hu u'shekhinteh
for the unification of the Holy One and Shekhinah
With every mitzvah, I pray for all that is separate, exiled, heart-broken
to return, rebirth and rejoice into harmony and homecoming.
To dance at your Holy Wedding.
Especially at this Equinox of Spring in this month of Miracles.
Especially as the promise of rebirth sprouts in grass and crocus all around me.
Especially as fresh green buds and red-bellied robins sing praise to your presence
Especially as all creation joyfully reaches out to make love with their beloveds.
You who stand at the crossroads, singing songs of comfort,
asking God’s grace for us in our wandering
You whose laughter makes the grasses giggle and sway,
whose dwellingness is reflected in trees:
roots pressing and mingling ecstatically with all life,
Limbs dwellings for nesting birds, racing squirrels, creepy crawlies, wayward vines,
children climbing to see the world from above
You who are the unity of fire, air, water and earth
The reflective changing woman of the Moon
You who are in my prayers,
you who are my prayers
At this Equinox in this month of Miracles
You who are She: mother, daughter, bride, beloved, all that is
I gratefully sing to your presence kaleidoscopically reflected
Around, within and through me, through life, through space
I rest and delight in all the ways you embrace and create space with such grace
in your tzimtzumed womb of limitless love
I fall to my knees on your holy ground and weep with sorrow for the pain of the world
I fall to my knees on your holy ground and weep with awe for the beauty of love expressed in myriad ways unfurled
And I pray, oh how I pray, that the balance and harmony of this Equinox fill us for one brief moment
With a breath of perfect thisness of the balanced now in which we dwell
L’shem yichud kudsha b'rich hu u'shekhinteh
May we return, rebirth and rejoice into harmony and homecoming.
In the unification of the Divine Masculine and Shekhinah