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Black Madonna of Alchemy and Divine Union

Black Madonna of Alchemy and Divine Union, Painting from a Red Madonna Journey
Black Madonna of Alchemy and Divine Union

Painting from a Red Madonna Journey   

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There are many interpretations of the meaning of the Black Madonna archetype. She has been linked to the earth mother, to wisdom and to the life force of matter. She stands for equality, justice, balance and love. Her presence is a call and an invitation. She invites us into the depths of who we are, the original self, our true essence where divinity lies. It is within that we encounter the truth. She calls us to the depths of our creativity and thus to transformation. Creativity comes from the realm of the mother and she calls to us to ignite the divine SOUL-SHINE that lives within each of us.

I have linked her to the symbols of alchemy because alchemy is about transformation. Alchemy is an ancient art, a sacred science that in unveiling the secrets of nature, leads the seeker to union with the Divine. In my painting of the Black Madonna the "Secret Fire" of alchemy is at her root chakra. This represents the creative fire of transformation grounded in the very root of her bring. It symbolizes the burning away of all that no longer serves humanity. When we encounter the truth within within all illusions are burned away. It is the burning that must happen before true healing can occur. My Black Madonna gestates and gives birth to her own "inner child" who is nourished by the twin serpents of the divine feminine and divine masculine that pour into the sacred vessel of her womb