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Red Madonna 2015: Queen of the Cosmos: Our Lady of Cosmic Abundance

Red Madonna 2015: Queen of the Cosmos: Our Lady of Cosmic Abundance, Painting from a Red Madonna Journey
Red Madonna 2015: Queen of the Cosmos: Our Lady of Cosmic Abundance

Painting from a Red Madonna Journey   

What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
Beloved Wisdom,

I have hewn the seven pillars of my house.

Love: the Light which I follow in all my thoughts and words and deeds.
Joy: the Salvation from self-reliance and fear, the gift that comes with Surrendering all my cares to Thee.
Creativity: the Mission I have been given, to increase Love, Joy and Beauty in the world.
Abundance: The Gift that flows from living by Love's Guiding Light, moving from Joy to Joy through Creativity.
Intention: Recalling my Heart to the Path of Love - the path I choose whenever - whenever Fear would try to lure me into dark side paths and dead-end byways of Illusion.
Presence: Recalling myself to be Present with Thee whenever ghosts of Past Regret or Phantoms of Future Fears would try to steal my Joy.
Community: In all I do, striving to bless not only myself, but all the World, becoming a Channel for Goodness to flow, and not a Silo for Abundance to be stored up and left to Rot.
Beloved Wisdom, please bless the House I have built and dwell here with me always. You are the Queen of my Heart, and I surrender the Strategy to Thee.