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Red Madonna Sister Of The Temple

Red Madonna Sister Of The Temple, Painting from a Red Madonna Journey
Red Madonna Sister Of The Temple

Painting from a Red Madonna Journey   

What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
acrylic on canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
Deep within my Heart for as long as I can remember I have had this yearning for the Temple and the Temple Sisterhood that I could never fully explain. When I have started painting a few years ago the images of the madonnas kept emerging and I was sometimes criticised for painting the same image over and over and yet I followed the brush and at times they would appear. When the image of this Red Madonna appeared I have asked her who are you and she said I am a Sister of the Temple you have been asking for. How could I
not known that I ask myself? Tears flowed for a long time.Then she said , how many sisters were there in the Temple, I was taken by surprised as how cold I possibly know. Paint them and you will know and so I shall...