Archive Mode. Call Musea Call for Entry - Red Madonna ended on 5/6/22, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene , Painting from a Red Madonna Journey
Mary Magdalene

Painting from a Red Madonna Journey (Madonna)   

What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
Artist's Statement:- I work in the methodology of Shiloh Sophia McCloud, taught through the Red Madonna Journey. This painting of Mary Magdalene incorporates the practice of Sacred Art through prayer, visualization, symbols, sacred intention which inspired this image to come forth through me. I have always felt a deep connection with Magdalena throughout my travels, especially in Israel and Egypt, and through my studies of the Holy Grail. To paint her was a gift of Grace and healing on my own spiritual journey, which has been dedicated to discovering the Divine Feminine archetypes.
The symbols chosen represent my understanding of Her Truth and lineage, as the archetype of the Divine Feminine. The rose, a Divine Feminine lineage symbol of Love, the chalice of the Holy Grail, the jar of nard ointment with which Mary washed Jesus's feet, the Fleur de Lis, (which is accociated with Jesus, the Song of Solomon"s "lily among thorns"), understood as a reference to Mary, the three roses for the Holy Trinity, white flowers indicating purity and a High Priestess, Star of David for her Jewish heritage, the Dove for Peace, the Red Egg out of which she emerged and Spirals for Eternal Life. Rev. Carole Thomassy Ph.D.