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Our Lady of Blossoming Earth

Our Lady of Blossoming Earth, Painting from a Red Madonna Journey
Our Lady of Blossoming Earth

Painting from a Red Madonna Journey (Madonna)   

What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
When my intention was scrawled on the canvas and tidy Tuscan rolling hills were sprouting in the sketch, our Newfoundland rescue, Sarah, crossed the rainbow bridge. I woke at 4 am and pulled out a secret stash of heavy body paints and an expired credit card. The tidy rolling hills disappeared in a torrent of sobbing and flinging paint.
Then, slowly, life began again. On canvas and in my heart. Now known as "In the Beginning," the divine feminine figure holding the center of creation guided my every step and teaches me, still.