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Tree of Life/Shekhinah Divine Feminine Energy.

Tree of Life/Shekhinah Divine Feminine Energy., Painting from a Red Madonna Journey
Tree of Life/Shekhinah Divine Feminine Energy.

Painting from a Red Madonna Journey (Madonna)   

What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
We studied the Kabbalah and The Tree of Life in Red Madonna which I found both interesting and Life changing! My painting called me to reveal the Mother Divine Feminine Jewish Symbol of Shekhinah representing Divine Feminine Energy. She emerges out of the Tree and carries the symbols of the Chalice, The Star of David for Her Jewish heritage, and includes birds, flora, flowers, emphasising Her Oneness with Mother Earth, Father Sky and all of Creation.
Her Message Poem: Shekinah Shekinah:Oh! As I gaze at you, tears begin to flow and I hear you.."I AM known by many names, for I live in the Hear of All Beings. Breathe into me my child for I AM the Breath of Life, yours, theirs, his or hers, animals, birds, plants, Sun, Moon, Stars, Rivers, Oceans, Galaxies. I AM Vast and I Love each and everyone of you Vastly, beyond what is possible for you to understand. Know and Believe in me the Creatrix, Divine Mother. I Birth this Holy Chalice of Love for the World, Drink and be Filled. Offer this Cup of Elixir to the thirsty ones that they may Re-Member the Love of All That Is. Spread your Wings and Fly Free Beloved Ones. Joy to the World! Blessed Be!