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She Who Dances in the Rain

She Who Dances in the Rain , Painting from a Red Madonna Journey
She Who Dances in the Rain

Painting from a Red Madonna Journey (Madonna)   

What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
She Who Dances in the Rain – Natalie Moyes October 2020 from Our Lady of Living Water Journey

Do you see me?
Do you see me now?
I have thrown off the umbrella,
that object of good intention
meant to protect me from the rain.

You didn’t see
the harm in the umbrella.
I’d like to believe that.
I’d like to hope you meant well.
But you and I both know that’s not the case.

I can’t do what must be done
when I have to hold onto
something that’s not mine to hold.
Something that gets in the way.
A shelter which collapses in a sudden gust.

Funny about wind.
You can’t see it.
You only know its presence by
the effect it has passing through,
dangers unknown, but results devastating.

My ancestors danced in the rain.

This is the water of creation.
The essential water of life.
The messy water of birth.
The sacred water of ritual.
The wide, turbulent water of curiosity and conveyance.

The is the water of me, and of you.
The same water for eternity,
present at the big bang,
present at the great flood,
present long after humans no longer walk the earth.

Water is cleansing.
It washes away layers of grime
from everyday living.
Layers that dull our brightness,
Layers that become a barometer of worth.

I rejoice I too can dance in the rain.

My hands are now free
to catch this living water,
to bathe in promises to come,
to drink and prepare for hard work,
to cool the flames of racism.

Imagine if each tiny drop
was the heart of an awakened person.
One who recognized –
the connection of all things,
the imbalance of haves and have nots,
the responsibility to earth and all her creatures.

Most won’t notice a drop or two.
Many together, like a shower,
can replenish parched earth, encourage new growth.
But a deluge transforms the landscape.

Let it rain.
Let it rain.
Let it rain.

Will you join me in the dance in the rain?