Holy Mother of Ukraine
Painting from a Red Madonna Journey (Madonna)
What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
As often happens for me, as I immerse myself in the loving embrace of the Great Mother, images emerge that are reflective of current events. As this unusual time in our world goes on and on, and the first wave of the pandemic gives way to the second, third and on and on and now the War in Ukraine is in progress to the chagrin of most of the world, I wonder what can I do? How can I continue to cultivate resilience in myself and be a way shower for others in the midst of such unrest, danger and pain. What I am finding is that women are calling women across the world. Women are calling circles literally all over the world and because of the technology of this age, women in countries on every continent can meet in the quantum realm and plan wise action. It is happening now. One woman can do a little, or sometimes a lot, and many women coming together for a common purpose can co-create change on a global scale. It is as if the mycelium of Earth is connecting women everywhere and a call is going out. “Bring a revolution of Love. Fight Hate with Goodness. Walk with Hope.” Listen. Do you hear the call?