Trinity_Wisdom's Table
Painting from a Red Madonna Journey (Madonna)
What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
Sun, Moon and Stars come together at Wisdom's Table in sacred reciprocity. This painting was co-created by Mary Ann Matthys and Chloe Chopcinski Matthys.Your presence
Ripples out…
A conduit
Of hope and love.
Everyone you meet
Is a reflection
Of divine blessedness.
Divine blessedness
Knows no race,
No color,
No gender.
See others
As a divine reflection,
Your path.
Loving, living
Goodness is
meant for all.
Knows no limitations,
No boundaries.
Grasp the magnitude
Of the Love
Encompassing all.
Be a conduit.
Your presence
ripples out
In hope and love.