Tat Tvam Asi (2018)
Painting from a Red Madonna Journey (Madonna)
What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
Tat Tvam Asi (2018)
“That you are, my Beloved. You are That,”
“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and [SHE] will do even greater things than these…” John 14:12
She invites us, Sisters, to gather ‘round, that those who have ears may hear.
For we are created in Their image, each of us.
With copper skin, curly hair, breasts and birth canals.
We are Creation, and Creator.
Eve, Magdalene, Mary, and Jesus.
Miriam, Sarah, Judas and Jezebel.
She gathers us along the banks of Mighty Mo, to gaze upon stars and moonlight…
To see ourselves in the folds of her gown…
That you are, my Beloved. You are That.