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"Holy Embrace" a journey with the Divine

"Holy Embrace" a journey with the Divine, Painting from a Red Madonna Journey
"Holy Embrace" a journey with the Divine

Painting from a Red Madonna Journey (Madonna)   

What year was this painting made?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
acrylic painting
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
( a journey with the Divine)

Born of Creation,
Held in the arms of the Beloved Mother,
I hear LOVE call my name.

Under the light of the moon and the twinkle of the stars,
a new story unfolds.

Called to the forest of the Grandmothers, a circle of sisterhood awaits.
A sacred drum echos the heartbeat of the earth
an ancient dance moves within my hips and I begin to awaken
to a new rebirth.
I step out of ordinary time and into the mythic realm,
yearning for healing,
yearning to know a deeper truth,
yearning for the Love of the Great Mother.

Over the course many many moons,
a journey unfolds…..many terrains are navigated,
many tears shed and a new tale unfolds….
from behind the veil, images appear,
symbols are captured
and a Codex begins to write its deeper story
on the portal of my soul painting.

Walking back in time, some of the trauma, the pain, the sorrow is recalled…
asking it to be released, so a new story can begin to replace what was lost.
Along the way, guides and guardians and spirits begin to make themselves know to me.

Held in a sacred domain, a deeper healing of transformation is unfolding.
3 Graces show themselves and begin to tell me their stories…

My wild creative sister, helps me remember my indigenous roots,
my deep connection to earth medicine, ceremony and ritual.
She wears her talisman feathers to remind me of my connection to Spirit…
to all the winged-ones and to not be afraid to fly.

Cosmos sister brings her light and holy presence from the star nation.
Here to remind me of the star particles within the cells of my body.
She calls me to listen to the dream domain
and drinks from the milky way of imagination.

Beloved Madonna sister mirrors to me, my Divinity. She holds the secrets of my compassionate heart and invites me to Love. She carries roses from blessed Mary’s garden and blesses me with their sacred Essence.

From the cave of forgotten childhood, a dark beauty arises, carrying the need to reclaim her innocence and beauty. Tattooed on her soul is the tree of Life.
She who is Precious, invites me to play, to smell the wild flowers, and run free with the horses.

She who Created me, emerges….Mother of many faces……..
looking at me,
speaking to me,
inviting me to listen and hear Her message.

The Holy Blessed Mother of Creation, speaks…..

“I hold you close, little one, Divine child of Creation.
You have walked through a rebirthing process.
Know now how much you Matter!
Hold close to your heart that which is precious to you.
Know Love leads the Way.
You do not walk alone…..look around and embrace this holy place within and around you.
Let your Light shine, be a beacon of Hope and Compassion.
Let you feet dance upon holy ground and step into your Truth and beauty.
Know the many pearls of wisdom your carry within you…
share them with the world….do not hold back.
Your CODEX is written in your book of Wisdom…
uncover the hidden pages and begin to tell your authentic story.
The world awaits.

all my love, Sophia “